another recent head study.
oil on canvas board, 5×7" (feb 2024)
another recent head study.
oil on canvas board, 5×7" (feb 2024)
another recent study.
oil on canvas board, 5×7" (feb 2024)
recent study. oil on canvas board, 5×7" (feb 2024)
work in progress (oil on linen)
feb 2024
drainage hole under a bridge, photographed 11 years apart (2013 and 2024)
pages from a little sketchbook I keep just for abstract drawing.
each 2-page spread is about 23cm x 11.5cm.
the frost came.
ireland in january. 2023
a rare sunny morning in january
emyvale, co. monaghan. january 2023
bragan bog in the rain. co. monaghan, january 2024