So painting hasn’t been going well lately and I’ve been trying to find other ways to make art. I’ve been thinking a lot about sculpture, but the problem with the world of three dimensions is that Nature got there first and totally owns the field. I keep finding these organic structures that are as beautiful and poetic and rich with the capacity for metaphor as any sculpture I’ve ever seen or could ever hope to make myself.
Like these…things. They’re essentially just knots of flotsam that got snagged on branches when the floods came: mostly dead leaves and grass, knitted together into these strange little nests that are strong enough to withstand the current but disintegrate when handled. I’m totally obsessed with them. I try to think of ways to photograph one or recreate it or just claim it like a Duchampian readymade and I can think of plenty of art-historical precedents that I could use to justify whatever I wanted to do. But then again, there’s a little voice in the back of my head saying: “Seriously, that is literally just a piece of crap."