(Part 1 of 3).

A comic/zine about learning to ride a motorbike that I started a few months back. Right now Ireland is in lockdown, our hospitals and care services are overwhelmed and government restrictions forbid us from travelling more than 2km unless it’s for essential supplies. So being in confinement and working on this comic about freedom/fear of mortality in between caring for my very frail grandmother has been a hell of a trip in itself.

The full thing is available in PDF form on Gumroad here for $1/pay what you want: https://gumroad.com/l/hXOCF

Calabash bird feeder with bird design (Lesser Antillean Bullfinch).

Woodburning tool for outline + graphite, ink, watercolour & white pen. Sealed with gloss lacquer.

Every year the sudden proliferation of buttercups heralds the coming of summer, and every year I’m seized by some weird artist-hoarder’s compulsion to harvest them all, as if I could somehow capture this time, this feeling; this strange, rich light that pours down on the world like honey. Irish summers are so fleeting. I thought maybe I could use the flowers somehow – perhaps draw with the pollen like yellow chalk, or just make some kind of installation. 

This year I actually gave in to that vague, futile impulse and went and sat in a field for hours, patiently decapitating buttercups, and adding them to a little pile that never really seemed to get any bigger. I carried them inside in a cardboard box and they have just been quietly wilting under the stairs for over a month now. 

I don’t know what the moral of this story is.