SO. hello. 

Since the move, I have been really, really unfocused. I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s…fine, actually. It’s great. I am not worrying about the future, or dwelling on things that don’t matter, or making any plans whatsoever beyond the level of “maybe I will buy a nice pencil today”. My sleep patterns are all over the place, I am probably drinking too much and I think I have forgotten how to read but that is okay. For now. 

Since my attention span is shot, I am not committing to any large-scale or long-term painting projects just now. Instead, in the spirit of spontaneity, I’ve been messing about with low-fi, quick & dirty, one-off print techniques – monoprint/monotype, frottage, collagraph, and what-have-you.

Untitled prints, water-based ink on various papers.